View Profile 7thkiller
Here is my account......What you were excpecting more? Dont have much since my general life is philosiphing and kicking ass in 3 diffrent languages. O well if u want more try my website.... if its finished. Every one got that, even the little ones?Ok cya.


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7thkiller's News

Posted by 7thkiller - August 1st, 2011

The very begining of my next story.

Operation Snakebite
By Ryan Davis

My name is David Johnson. There was nothing special about me and some would say there still isn't. I was a grunt in the army, a "get in line and shut up" kind of guy. That was all before what happened at New Eden, once a mark of modern technology. It was built upon Eden, a small town that burnt down to nothing in one night. Today though is a completely different story for both of those towns. I guess they say ghosts can never be put down. I learned that the hard way... during operation snakebite.

December 27th, 2028

Sand, it's all I have seen today. They moved our division today out to some base they were setting up in the desert. It was 20 miles away from the super city New Eden. This desert wasn't so different from life back home. I was never really welc---- "Wake up you idiot. We are almost to Omega site" said Carlos. Carlos our sergeant never really liked it when any of us fell from attention, even in a APC. "Why are we going out to the middle of a desert, so we can all starve to death?" said Johnny, another soldier in our 6 man squad. Carlos didn't hesitate to snap back "You watch yourself private or I will have you push the APC there. We are regrouping with the rest of the squad at the site to set up a com station". "Yay now we can listen to the lizards starve to death too" Johnny replied back.

Our APC pulled up to a few camouflaged tents with some surveillance gear set up. "On your feet now!" barked Carlos. We all got off and headed for the tents. Outside the tents was Ben and Nathan. It seemed that Ben our demolitions man got a little frisky with his own explosions and Nathan was stitching back what was left of his hand, for the fifth time. Inside the tent I saw Leona, our communications soldier, working on a smoking machine too complicated for me to understand. The six of us were now regrouped and ready to follow orders to the end, or at least that's what we would say.

We were all sitting around a fire in the middle of our camp just waiting for orders. We had been told to stay here and report anything suspicious until told new orders. "All this sitting around is boring, when will we get some orders" said Ben. "The only thing you don't think is boring is blowing yourself up and making me put you back together" replied Nathan. I don't talk much but sometimes no one else has the guts to say what we are all thinking. "Sir don't you think its strange we have to set up a com station on our own land. They don't make these stations for nothing so we have to have some reason why we are out here". Carlos thought it over and replied back "You do have a good point, the closest city is New Eden and that place has a small army as security so they wouldn't need us. I guess we will just have to find out when our orders come in". Leona came out from the tent and said we had received orders, orders no man should be given. She told them to Sergeant Carlos and he came back out to tell us. "Soldiers, shoot anyone on site"

Posted by 7thkiller - May 7th, 2011

Every1 I need a voice actor for something im doing. Its only like 6 lines but i personaly cant replicate the voice i need

Posted by 7thkiller - April 30th, 2011

Posted by 7thkiller - April 24th, 2011

Hail my video for my favorite character in League of legends. SINGED!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98HeA_B jT0Y

Posted by 7thkiller - April 16th, 2011

Hey guys! well i said i would post more logs awhile ago but no one commented for awhile so i didnt put these up and actualy got bored with my story. But! for you who have read this i shall post more and continue writing. If this is your first thing your reading please go back to part 1, or it will make no sense! Plz every1 comment and thank you for advice.

Redemption log 11
Smoke rises from the workshop. You can hear Ryan yelling at Jim for bending the wrong piece of metal or hammering at the wrong time. The wall is a quarter of the way done. At least it makes some comfort.
Redemption log 12
A fight brakes out today among the survivors. When I ran over I found out that someone was captured trying to steal some food. He was yelling out curses and threats at us. Jim knew what we had to do. We took him into the main tent and 'interrogated' him. All I'll say is we put the dogs to good use. After we got everything we knew we sent him tied, back into the wasteland. We find out he used to be a prisoner. A group of prisoners banded together right before Redemption and they started a riot. Obviously because of Redemption what prisoners survived got out. They were the ones that killed some of our men and stole our food. I guess there are two people important right now. There is us, survivors of Cealum. Then the bandits, all of those escaped prisoners that are out there somewhere, and I doubt they will be happy with what we did to the thief they sent.
Redemption log 13
The wall is finished today but the workshop doesn't think so. They are setting in plans for improvements on the wall like spikes at the exterior base and a platform on the interior so we can stand on it, see over it, and if needed, shoot over it. They are drawing things over metal sheets for blueprints. They seem like little kids, running about and drawing over each other's designs. Days of my childhood flashing in my memory. O but these days are far gone and the world I lived in isn't there anymore.
Redemption log 14
Someone finds some cloth and colored thread on a scavenging mission. They craft something resembling a flag with our squad's emblem, a black eagle over a red X on a white background. They hang it over our central tent. David thinks we were almost becoming our own nation.
Redemption log 15
It's almost been a month now. We don't know what lies in the future yet but it's amazing what we are doing. We have a stable place to stay, for now....
Redemption log 16
We can't keep up with this pace of supplies. We need a reliable source. We call Cealum together for ideas. An idea everyone likes was farming. To supply for a group of around 50 isn't simple.
Redemption log 17
We are starting to look around under the scrap metal for any healthy ground... but there is none. All ground is dark black from suet that rains every now and again. The suet comes from burnt rubber, it would scar the ground. The ground has died from the suet, and would yield no life. It is said we have to leave the city to find healthy ground. We haven't seen the bandits since the walls have been in place but they are still out there, you can hear their screams.
Redemption log 18
A plan is being thought of, a crazy one if not impossible. Ryan wants to create a caravan; it will carry about 7 armed and ready guards. This will go to a secured location where there is healthy ground. Of course there is so much wrong with this plan that he turned back to the workshop.
Redemption log 19
It's been almost 4 months. It's seemed like years. If we didn't find that calendar then we really would think it's been years. I think back to my family. I think back to my father. What would he do in this situation? Of course he could have never really known. No one could prepare for this.
Redemption log 20
There is a girl named Lisa I met today on guard duty. She is nice. I am thinking if I should get to know her more but there's so much to be done. There is no time to find love on the battlefield.

Posted by 7thkiller - April 8th, 2011

Hey this is the first part of a book im writing tell me what you guys think of it and guys no stealing. Its written in a journal form with Italics being the parts that are said that isnt written in the journal but for some background information.

-------This journal belonged to Jonathan Savid, a military recon sniper of the 103rd reconnaissance ------division.-------
March 18, 1995
My father gave me this journal so I can write what my military life was like. He had his own journal from Vietnam; he said it helped repress the memories. I never did understand how keeping records made you forget things but it meant something to him so I decided to take the present.

March 20, 1995
My first day of training. It was a hell of amount of work. The drill sergeants said they were 'weeding out the bad crops'. Already 3 people were sent home.

April 2, 1995
We had gun training for the first time. For some reason when I was going to get my gun some guy pushed in front of me and took the last rifle. I decided to get back at him so after he fired down range at his target I asked the drill sergeant for his pistol. I showed that guy who the real big shot was. I was immediately sent to sniper training since I hit all 7 shots on the bulls eye.

June 21, 1995
Ive become one of the best snipers here. I met three guys in training. They seem like some old friends from back home. Jim was one of them. Big tall guy, I don't understand why a giant needs a sniper instead of a club. Ryan was another, average size guy that doesn't talk much but can put together and take apart a rifle faster than any one can. Then there's David, blonde haired guy from Australia. We are constantly trying to mock his accent but then he takes out his knife and says we wouldn't last a day were he comes from.

August 13, 1995
There's something wrong going on with the Government lately. We don't follow the news but I guess something about hackers trying to take down huge banks accidently found a way into the pentagon and got some sort of info.

August 16, 1995
We're moving off the base into the city. I can't believe this. We are trying to find out why, but all we get is the sergeants ask the generals, the generals ask the politicians, the politicians ask the president, and the president isn't commenting. Great system of government we have.

August 21 1995
We have set up a base in New York. I've heard there's a base in every major city now. Jim and Ryan heard some rumor that this all has to do with the information stolen from the pentagon. David says that's too small of a thing for this much military movement. I don't know what to think anymore. All I have been thinking of is my family back home.

August 24, 1995
Those hackers that got into the pentagon made public announcements. Apparently they want to save America from capitalism or some stuff like that and to save humankind from themselves they must purge humankind from itself. Non of us on the base understood a word of it.

August 25, 1995
The worst has happened. Apparently that the info the hackers got were codes to certain missile silos. We have been sent into every house tearing it apart to find any clue to were the hackers are. I sent a letter out to my family to get out of the citys and go into the country.

October 31, 1995
Halloween, what a great day to be told if the government doesn't lay down their authority to the hackers then the hackers will set off the nukes. 2 days are given to decide. God how I'll remember this Halloween.

November 1, 1995
The day before what the hackers call Redemption day. The military has gone into a craze trying to disarming all of their rockets and the White house has, as always, run to some bunker. Jim is sharpening his knife, David is strangulating some stress ball and Ryan just keeps looking at some random gun pieces from his sniper. It was there way of coping with the fact that tomorrow could be there last day.

November 2, 1995
Everyone is celebrating. The military was able to disarm all propulsion systems on their rockets. Everyone was drinking beer and dancing to some song I never hear of. For the first time in a long time I heard from my family. When I gave them the news they all started screaming praises to god. They were talking about how when I got back we would have those family barbecues and fire off some firew.....

-----------As of November 2,1995 7:54 PM the world was forever changed. The hackers set off the missiles in their own silos. The explosions led to the detonation power that was strong enough to be felt across the world and to leave destruction in its wake.-----------

I cant believe what happened mostly because I don't know what happened. There was a bright light in the distance and a large cloud approached us Suddenly everything went black. I woke up in what remained of our military base. I first heard the screams of Jim, he had his knife going through his right leg. I took the knife out of him and found Ryan poping Davids shoulder back into place. We all of course started asking each other what had happened. But we didn't know. There were others crawling from debris, some civilian others soldiers. We all had broken bones, lacerations, and who knew what else. I was scared. We all were. All I could think of was my dad, he had always helped me out of the worst of times as a kid. I just wish he could help me now. I looked down and saw this journal, the journal he gave me. I remember he said that writing everything that happened when he was in Vietnam helped him not to lose his mind and it let him realize what he should do. I guess that is like my father's last piece of help. So I have decided to keep using this journal, in memory and advice of my father.

Redemption log 1
We had gathered what survivors made it through the event, whatever it was. People started asking of what to do. They started to panic and start blaming people for the event. We told them to settle down and that the first thing we needed wasn't to start blaming people. We all started scavenging for food and water. We just tried not to think about the future.

Redemption log 2
The people started to get the military tents that we had used and clear an area so we could use them. People were frightened today by a distant skyscraper. Most had fallen but two skyscrapers laid against each other bearing each other's weight. When they fell people saw it like a last moment of a chance that everything would go back to normal. The dead were counted up in our area. We had about 200 square foot area begun to be cleared. Jim thought we couldn't survive without a stable ground. It made sense and most did miss not having to walk on metal and stone.

Redemption log 3
The clearing went well. With a stable ground we could now set up the tents and store the scavenged food. The rations of our initial search had started to go low. David said we should try to hunt those dogs he saw running around. Jim had a better idea of using the dogs to help search for food, of course neither of them could catch the dogs. Both plans failed.

Redemption log 4
We now have at least an area for us and the survivors. It's a start. Ryan decided to call it camp Cealum. I guess it means sky in some language. Most people thought it had a nice ring and it meant something so they kept it. We started an official count of how many people we had and it came out to 47. People I guess also see me, Jim, Ryan, and David as our survivor groups leaders. Since we were already making a lot of decisions we decided me might as well take the title just in case something came up.

Redemption log 5
Today I stood outside my tent. I looked at all of the people in the camp. Some with broken bones, others needing stiches. Ryan luckily didn't just know about the inside of guns and knew basic medicine and was keeping the survivors alive. Past the camp all I saw was metal. It was bent every way. It looked like a war zone. I guess it is a warzone because were fighting for our lives. I don't know who will last among the survivors. I do know one thing though. We won't give up.

Redemption log 6
When your cut, the scent of blood carries on the wind or the water. The scent attracts wild animals looking for a kill. So when bad things happen I guess it's destined to carry more bad things. We found one of our scavengers dead. His backpack was ripped apart. We thought it was the wild dogs but we found a bloody axe a few feet away. Ryan has now been making makeshift weapons and trying to rebuild some snipers for me and the boys. Were sending out these 'Cealum soldiers' with the scavengers and to the edges of Cealum.

Redemption log 7
We struck some luck in these dark times. A band of four more survivors arrived at Cealum. They were in some lab when Redemption came. They met up at what has been called 'the workshop'. It is were Ryan has been making all of his weapons. They I guess were trying to make some sort of forge today with what has been scavenged.

Redemption log 8
Today I couldn't stop thinking about everything. It was too much to handle. Me and the guys were just soldiers. Now it's the apocalypse and were telling a group of survivors. We didn't know what to do, but then again, no one would.

Redemption log 9
Blood.... Its all I saw. Someone had come into our camp and killed 3 guards. Food was taken from were we stored it. It was horrible. We didn't know if we could make it without that food, but then a stroke of luck came. Some dogs wandered into the camp. They were starving and we let them have some food. At least we have some friends now in this warzone.

Redemption log 10
Ryan and the engineers have gone to work on building a wall around Cealum. Not a bad idea. They are using scavenged metal and the forge they just finished in the workshop. Jim tried to train some of the dogs to do stuff. Sadly there just sitting there not doing much. David was working on making a bow and arrow to use till we have the snipers ready.

Thats all for now. Ill post another 30 logs when there done. Please if you read this dont leave without commenting even if its just 'ok'

Posted by 7thkiller - January 22nd, 2011

hahah well yea im back... again... for the second time. Dont judge me! making a profile in 07 and being into every day for 4 yrs is hard o well im back with new skills xD hahaha looking back though i wonder.... y do i have that border :P

Posted by 7thkiller - August 24th, 2010

school has started again..... I think mine starts first which was last thursday/friday

Posted by 7thkiller - April 1st, 2010

Is it rly new grounds to celebrate this or is it a hacker messing with all the topics and the site and putting kevin bacon in every comment so now none make sense????!!! o well theres prob gonna be a kevin bacon somewere in this comment and theres nothing i can do so......................yea

Posted by 7thkiller - October 13th, 2008

once again i left but now im hoping to stay